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Ask a question about any or all of your documents and be pointed to exactly where in a document it’s answered.
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Information is stored across many documents and not easily discoverable without manual review.

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In seconds you can search across thousands of:


policy documents, quotes, or other contracts

Find clauses in written policies


MSAs, NDAs, or any other legal document

Quickly locate clauses across hundreds of thousands of documents

Real Estate

leases, other tenant documents, or vendor paperwork

Locate specific information included or missing across large numbers of documents

Private Equity

documents in a deal room, investment memos, or loan paperwork

Go through data rooms quickly

Investment Management

SEC filings, earnings call transcripts, or research reports

Summarize research



policy documents, quotes, or other contracts


MSAs, NDAs, or any other legal document

Real Estate

leases, other tenant documents, or vendor paperwork

Private Equity

documents in a deal room, investment memos, or loan paperwork

Investment Management

SEC filings, earnings call transcripts, or research reports

Find clauses in written policies

Quickly locate clauses across hundreds of thousands of documents

Locate specific information included or missing across large numbers of documents

Go through data rooms quickly

Summarize research
